Your donations, bowls purchased to help those doing the work fighting food insecurity
Empty Bowls Attleboro Area recently presented checks to local organizations that are fighting food insecurity. Here’s where the money raised in 2021 went to: $70,000 to Food ‘n Friends, $22,000 to the Attleboro Norton YMCA, $7,000 to the Hebron Food Pantry, and $3,000 to the Murray Unitarian Universalist Church Food Pantry. We also raised $600 through the sale of dog and cat bowls that went to the Friends of Attleboro Animal Shelter so they can help provide some cat and dog food to area food pantries so pets, that are part of families, can eat properly and stay where they are loved.
This is the third year of Empty Bowls Attleboro Area raising awareness and money to fight food insecurity locally. Empty Bowls Attleboro Area is a group of local artists and social activists, they are Sarah Mott, Sally Cobb, Martha Machnik, Donna Bliss, David Laferriere, and Darlene Blazejewski.
Empty Bowls is an international project to fight hunger through art. Started several decades ago, the project continues with artists and volunteers who make bowls, solicit food and other support, and traditionally host a community meal
Handmade bowls are kept by our guests as a reminder of the many empty bowls in their neighborhood and the world.
Empty Bowls Attleboro Area founded in 2019 is committed to fighting hunger locally. Help from all over our community, local artists, volunteers, businesses, and friends help make this event a reality.
Connect with these organizations that are in the trenches fighting food insecurity
- Food ‘n Friends,
- Attleboro Norton YMCA,
- Hebron Food Pantry,
- Murray Unitarian Universalist Church Food Pantry,
- Friends of Attleboro Animal Shelter,