Sally Cobb smiling with arms outstretched at a glaze-night

It is with profound sadness that we share the loss of our friend, Sally, who passed away unexpectedly on June 8.  

Sally Cobb was Empty Bowls Attleboro Area’s inspirational, talented, generous, and passionate co-founder. Her love for the Attleboro community and her belief that she could help make our world a better place were primary drivers in the creation of our annual fundraising efforts, Feeding those in need was her mission, and to this end, she was at times an unstoppable force.

Our hearts are heavy. 

Sally is greatly missed and has left a hole in the lives of many who knew her and in our community spirit. We are so grateful to her for all that she has contributed to enrich the world around us.

If you have a Sally bowl in your collection please hold it close for a moment and offer her some thanks.

Our team is dedicated to continuing the Empty Bowl tradition and we will honor Sally’s dedicated commitment and hard work in fighting hunger locally.

We would love to have you share any brief thoughts/remembrances of Sally that we will have on display on September 21 at our Capron Park event and on our social media sites.