55 bowls glazed by about 25 people at Patterson’s Creations on July 23. More Glazing Nights coming up as we have a lot more bowls to glaze. We will announce the events on Facebook and here. Let us know what you think
55 bowls glazed by about 25 people at Patterson’s Creations on July 23. More Glazing Nights coming up as we have a lot more bowls to glaze. We will announce the events on Facebook and here. Let us know what you think
This program is one of the reason why Empty Bowls Attleboro Area is supporting the Attleboro Area Interfaith Collaborative’s Food n’ Friends as well as the Attleboro YMCA. In The Sun Chronicle article “Summer Eats anti-hunger program kicks off in Attleboro, Norton” the Attleboro Area Interfaith Collaborative, for the last four years, has run Summer […]
Empty Bowls Attleboro was founded by Sarah Mott, Sally Cobb, Martha Machnik and Darlene Blazejewski. We will host our Empty Bowls event on November 10, 2019 at The Attleboro Y and look forward to contributing to our local area organizations, The Attleboro Y and Food n’ Friends, whose work directly aids those neighbors of ours […]